The College has always kept a high standard of internal discipline for students in the interest of conducive academic environment. To honour the time tested heritage of the College, students are advised to comply with the following guidelines.
1. Ragging in all form is banned in this college. This institution is committed to follow the anti- ragging circular of the UGC in letter and spirit. Students are accordingly warned against all types of ragging activities which are treated as cognizable offences.
2. Entry to the College Campus is permitted only when a student is in College Uniform and in possession of the Identity Card. The guard posted at the College Gate is instructed accordingly. Students are only expected to cooperate with him in the proper discharge of his duty.
3. Irregularity in classes (both theory and practical) is viewed seriously by the College authority. Taking both the Unit Tests and the Test Examination is mandatory for all. In fact, students are sent up for final examination on the basis of their performances in the internal examinations and class attendance.
4. Keeping the College building and furniture clean and intact is the duty of the students. Writing/sticking bills, posters on the walls, splitting and littering shall be treated as breach of discipline.
5. The Principal is accessible to the individual student as per the official schedule only. Entry of students in a body in the Principal’s Chamber is strictly prohibited.
6. Circulation of leaflets, notices, putting on posters, banners, festoons inside the campus, holding meeting, discussion by students in the College or Hostel premises shall require prior approval of the College authority.
7. Students are expected to abide by all rules and regulations of the College. Violation of any such rule, unsatisfactory behaviour within/outside the classes, showing discourtesy to teachers and nonteaching staff of the College shall invite disciplinary proceedings.
8. Use of Mobile Phone is strictly prohibited in classroom, varandah, corridoor unless permitted by the concerned teacher in the class.
9. Consumption of Gutkha and other tobacco products, littering of college campus with plastic materials are strictly prohibited.